We’ve found that—for a lot of people—what they say and what they do don’t necessarily match. Let’s look at some examples in the financial world where you might be saying one thing, but your behavior indicates something different, and you don’t even realize it.
It seems that most people don’t have a clear picture of whether they should contribute to a traditional IRA or a Roth. Let’s discuss how to determine what’s best for you.
Let’s talk about some financial planning “strategies” that don’t really work (even though some people, even some financial advisors, believe in them).
If you’re like most people, you probably have some financial accounts that you haven’t paid much attention to recently. The statements are just collecting dust in your file cabinet, but they might actually be hidden gems that could be put to much better use. Let’s talk about some of the accounts that people tend to ignore for too long.
If you really took inventory of your financial situation, you might find that you’ve been taking for granted some assets that make up a huge piece of your puzzle. Is it possible you should be putting a little more thought into some of these assets?