Today we answer some mailbag questions that have come into the show over the past few weeks. We discuss early Social Security, strategically using life insurance, and much more.
What Are The Three Qualities Of Money?
If you don’t know the answer to the question, then this episode is for you. On this episode, we’ll explore the three qualities of money, discuss whether you can achieve them in a single investment, and how to put the right emphasis on the different qualities. It’s really quiet basic, but understanding these fundamentals can make an enormous difference in your financial life.
A 5 Question Retirement Preparedness Quiz
Want to grade your preparedness for retirement? Here are five key questions you need to ask yourself. Your answers will help determine how ready you are for retirement. We also spend a few minutes on variable annuities this week.
How To Pick The Right Advisor
A lot of concern goes into trying to pick the proper investments, build a balanced portfolio, and getting the highest return. But how much time have you really put into finding the right advisor to work together with on all these tasks and more? So, we want to clear some of that up on this episode and clarify some of the ways you can evaluate your current advisor relationship and how to shop for, and find, the right advisor for you.
20/20 Hindsight
Just like any decision in life, making financial choices would be a lot easier with the benefit of hindsight. Let’s talk about some of the things we might hear from people who wish they’d done things differently after looking in the rear view mirror.
Obsolete Retirement Planning Ideas
Just like your iPhone or your computer can become obsolete and need to be replaced, the way that some people think about retirement is obsolete and needs to be replaced. Let’s talk about some outdated ideas that people still cling to.